Full Set 2019 (32 sessions)
$209 |
Althea Northage-Orr
Keynote: The Many Faces of Herbalists in Today's World $10 |
Leslie Alexander
Healing Herbs for Pirates and Ancient Mariners $10 |
Lottie Spadey
Herbing Around with Tarot $10 |
Abby Artemisia
Foraging for All Tonic Herbs $10 |
Althea and jim
Get Down with Nervines $10 |
Althea Northage-Orr
Bacteria, Biofilms, and their Treatment $10 |
Cali Janae
Botany in a Nutshell $10 |
Greg Monzel
Acorn Medicine $10 |
Guido Mase
Herbs for Cognition, Focus, and Brain Health $10 |
Guido Mase
Organolepsis as an Assessment Method $10 |
Heather Goia
Fertility Struggles, Aids to Conception $10 |
jim mcdonald
Bud Bark and Branch $10 |
Joseph and Stacey Quade
Do Your Feet Hurt? $10 |
Linda Conroy
Fungi for Optimal Health and Healing $10 |
Margi Flint KEYNOTE
Words from an Elder Earth Mama $10 |
Maria Noel Groves
Herbs and Natural Support for Thyroid Health $10 |
Maria Noel Groves
Soothing Herbs and Gut Repair $10 |
Abby Artemisia
How to be a Wildcrafter $10 |
Cali Janae
Plant Family Identification for Herbalists $10 |
Carmen Malis King
Writing Your Plant Story $10 |
Chris Wright
Medicinal Mushrooms $10 |
Greg Monzel
Pearls of the Peat Bog Walk $10 |
Jason Hirsch
Political Theory for Herbalists $10 |
jim mcdonald
Aromatic Allies, Whole Plant Aromatherapy $10 |
jim mcdonald
I am the Slime $10 |
Lea Pfeifer
The Trauma Informed Herbalist $10 |
Linda Conroy
Herbs and Fermentation for Digestive Health $10 |
Lindsey Feldpaush
Tea Tasting, an Organoleptic Evaluation $10 |
Micah McLaughlin
Becoming a Practicing Herbalist $10 |
Sarah Williams
Building an Apothecary $10 |
Sierra Bigham
White Pine, More than just a Stately Tree $10 |
Talitha Johnson
Balancing the Menstrual Cycle $10 |