We are so excited to welcome Rosalee de la Forêt and Marc Williams as our 2024 Keynote Speakers!
Stay posted here, join our email newsletter, or keep track of us on Facebook for updates.
We are so excited to welcome back
Kroon for our Saturday Night Entertainment!! KROON - The Definition: Oxford Dictionary Defines KROON as Croon/kroon/v. sing, hum, or say in a low soothing voice - Croon'er
Kroon's musical styles encompass many forms of music including Hawaiian, jazz, R&B, funk, rock 'n roll, pop, classical, and spiritual. Kroon embraces his music and delivers it passionately, ear to ear, heart to heart, to an over-amplified world. |
During the entertainment, we will a be sampling some of Angie Jackson's (known as the Traveling Elixir Fixer) zero proof elixirs as well as some local meads and wines (and chocolates)! We will definitely be living it up so don't miss joining us around the fire or on the dance floor!
2024 Silent Auction Fundraiser
This year will be our 10th anniversary of the Great Lakes Herb Faire! We remember well the first time we arrived on the grounds as a small group of potential organizers to talk about the creation of this event. We were inspired by the land as we dreamed and schemed and brainstormed. And 10 years later we are all still completely in love with this little piece of beauty that we call the Faire grounds. So it is with such honor and gratitude that this year, our fundraiser will raise money to give back to the land. We will donate to the Cedar Lake Outdoor Center, the place that we have called home on this weekend for 10 years now. Please consider donating a product, an item, a service etc. for the 2024 silent auction to help us give back to this place that we all love and consider participating in the silent auction over the weekend of the event! The Cedar Lake Outdoor Center was established in 1940 and over the years, countless volunteers have worked tirelessly to maintain, protect, and improve the structures and the natural beauty of the land.
In gratitude for this amazing space and for all of you who share it!
This year will be our 10th anniversary of the Great Lakes Herb Faire! We remember well the first time we arrived on the grounds as a small group of potential organizers to talk about the creation of this event. We were inspired by the land as we dreamed and schemed and brainstormed. And 10 years later we are all still completely in love with this little piece of beauty that we call the Faire grounds. So it is with such honor and gratitude that this year, our fundraiser will raise money to give back to the land. We will donate to the Cedar Lake Outdoor Center, the place that we have called home on this weekend for 10 years now. Please consider donating a product, an item, a service etc. for the 2024 silent auction to help us give back to this place that we all love and consider participating in the silent auction over the weekend of the event! The Cedar Lake Outdoor Center was established in 1940 and over the years, countless volunteers have worked tirelessly to maintain, protect, and improve the structures and the natural beauty of the land.
In gratitude for this amazing space and for all of you who share it!
An Overview of the Faire
For those of you who have not yet joined us for our in-person gatherings:
The weekend includes brilliant teachers, classes for all levels, fun evening activities, music and dance, a wonderful kids' program, creative vendors and, of course, phenomenal food. The grounds are gorgeous and expansive, encompassing several diverse ecosystems and a plethora of wild herbs, with connections to local parks and trails. The event takes place primarily outdoors and classes are under large tents. (So dress and pack accordingly). The Faire is a family-friendly event (with family pricing available). We believe herbs and natural well-being are an important part of our everyday home lives, as well as, for those who are inclined, a more in-depth discipline. For a few days, we can step into a world of our own creation: immersing ourselves in study and community and forging experiences and friendships that will sustain us long after the closing ceremony. Please join us!
The Great Lakes Herb Faire is located at the Cedar Lake Outdoor Center in Chelsea, Michigan.
Address: 2500 Pierce Rd, Chelsea, Michigan (Map)
Address: 2500 Pierce Rd, Chelsea, Michigan (Map)
Class Recordings
We are excited to announce that class recordings from past Faires are available! You can purchase desired classes separately or opt for the whole shebang in a heavily-discounted bundle. The bundle saves you nearly 50%! Check out the "Recordings" page to browse.
Past Faires
In 2023, we returned to the Cedar Lake Outdoor Center for another magical weekend packed with plants, fresh air, good food and community. The weather was nicely mild with beautiful blue skies. We welcomed Rosemary Gladstar and Lucretia VanDyke as our keynote speakers. Children and adults covered in beautiful henna tattoos roamed the land. Together, we raised over $2000 for Black to the Land Coalition in our silent auction. On Saturday night, we partied to the sounds of Serita's Black Rose Duo while partaking in herbal switchel. We had too many great classes to mention them all - many popular herb walks, a wonderfully fun plant dye class, and more.
In 2022, we were finally reunited in-person at the Cedar Lake Outdoor Center. It was a wonderful event filled with laughter and hugs. Our focus was on reunion, building community during difficult times, and processing our collective grief and isolation born from the last couple years. Our silent auction raised over $3,000 for Esstin McLeod's 7 Pines Medicine Lodge. It was wildly hot one day and many attendees were grateful for herbal popsicles brought by Leslie Alexander. The last day ended with a bang: a big thunderstorm that graced us with a beautiful rainbow.
The 2021 Faire was another virtual event, this time offering an improved platform for connecting with each other. We gathered together on-camera in Zoom and enjoyed a weekend of amazing classes, social tea time breaks, late night storytelling, and an entertaining "cook-along" hour where several participants live streamed making kitchari in their home kitchens.
In 2020, we were thrilled to host an offering of free classes for our herbal community. The virtual gathering of the sixth Great Lakes Herb Faire allowed us the space to connect and commune during a year of uncertainty and disconnect.
The 2019 in-person Faire was truly inspiring. The fifth year seemed extra special with a sense of community that is steadily growing. The teachers shared their wisdom, helping to pass the torch of herbal knowledge in a way that encouraged beginners and fed experienced herbalists.
And we cannot thank our teachers enough! Their knowledge is a true blessing to us all. Some great news is that we have most of the class recording available now. You can have access to this information as many times as you would like. While doing dishes, working in the garden, driving or lying on the couch and relaxing you will have access to the information conveyed at the Faire that encourages health and healing for yourself, your family and your community.
The 2021 Faire was another virtual event, this time offering an improved platform for connecting with each other. We gathered together on-camera in Zoom and enjoyed a weekend of amazing classes, social tea time breaks, late night storytelling, and an entertaining "cook-along" hour where several participants live streamed making kitchari in their home kitchens.
In 2020, we were thrilled to host an offering of free classes for our herbal community. The virtual gathering of the sixth Great Lakes Herb Faire allowed us the space to connect and commune during a year of uncertainty and disconnect.
The 2019 in-person Faire was truly inspiring. The fifth year seemed extra special with a sense of community that is steadily growing. The teachers shared their wisdom, helping to pass the torch of herbal knowledge in a way that encouraged beginners and fed experienced herbalists.
And we cannot thank our teachers enough! Their knowledge is a true blessing to us all. Some great news is that we have most of the class recording available now. You can have access to this information as many times as you would like. While doing dishes, working in the garden, driving or lying on the couch and relaxing you will have access to the information conveyed at the Faire that encourages health and healing for yourself, your family and your community.
What Attendees Are Saying
"You have no idea what this weekend means to me! It rekindles my vital essence and replenishes everything I give as an instructor throughout the year! I will always be a part of it! You all do fabulous work organizing. See you in September!"
"Every speaker I met was just off the charts for me. It was refreshing to see men and woman, LBGT and trans community all here together. It is one of the only conferences I have attended with such diversity and inclusivity."
"The Great Lakes Herb Faire is an incredible space where people come to give and not to take, and that creates a tremendous healing and recharging environment for us all"
"I am still flying high from this weekend! And I am really excited for next year! Thank you for putting this together!"
"It was an amazing conference. So awesome to connect in such a deep way with so many wonderful herbalists. Thank you."
"I've heard from several of my cohorts as to how this was one of the best/ or even THE BEST gathering ever. And that holds truth."
"You all bring such a beautiful spirit to the event, and it shines through everything. Thank you all so much for your work. I feel as if I picked up enough learning to keep me busy until next year's Faire."
"This was probably my favorite stop in my 2016 tour!!! SUCH a great event, amazing people (and the best conference food I've ever had! :) I'd be honored to be back."
"I was at the last In Person faire. I love everything you guys do and stand for. It’s one of the many events that launched me into my herbal and healing journey."