Hosted by Natalie McCabe and Junko Miyata Meschievitz
BIPOC Safe Space
BIPOC is an acronym that stands for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. It’s Pronounced “bye-pock” and is a term used in the United States to highlight the experiences of Black, and Indigenous people and to show solidarity between communities of color. The term was first used in 2013 and can also include Asian and Latino/a/x people, as well as other racial and ethnic groups.
This space is to create a safe space for BIPOC people to come, share and support one another without any judgement. It is our hope that people who want to meet other BIPOC people to connect or to process whatever their world experiences have been. Non-BIPOC people are encouraged to come and listen within the space and be active to participate in scheduled activities. As a reminder for others that there are BIPOC individuals who are “white passing” and their experiences are equally important.
BIPOC is an acronym that stands for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. It’s Pronounced “bye-pock” and is a term used in the United States to highlight the experiences of Black, and Indigenous people and to show solidarity between communities of color. The term was first used in 2013 and can also include Asian and Latino/a/x people, as well as other racial and ethnic groups.
This space is to create a safe space for BIPOC people to come, share and support one another without any judgement. It is our hope that people who want to meet other BIPOC people to connect or to process whatever their world experiences have been. Non-BIPOC people are encouraged to come and listen within the space and be active to participate in scheduled activities. As a reminder for others that there are BIPOC individuals who are “white passing” and their experiences are equally important.
Below Offerings will be in the House of Moons
Talking Circle & Art Experientials 1 - Creating the torn/ recreate art piece
Saturday 4:45-6:15 pm
The talking circle will begin at 4:45 pm and will be a closed circle at this point. A closed circle means that once the circle begins new participants will not be admitted after the group begins. This is to help provide a cohesive, private, calm space for participants without disruptions.
The circle will begin with a brief description of expectations of participants such as respect and discretion of participants' stories. This will be followed by a verbal body check in and meditation. The group then will be prompted with a particular question prompt in order to stimulate discussion and allow individuals to be heard and seen. This discussion will then be processed through an art experiential as well as more conversation if needed.
The art experiential is a process in which to educate and or remind individuals of their abilities to process uncomfortable situations. Art is not about creating a beautiful object though it can be. It is a way to remind and process. This art experiential is about processing, building on your resilience and to provide opportunity to hear and process different perspectives.
We will be creating a written or drawn experience of something that was uncomfortable. The written or drawn piece will then be reprocessed into a different art piece through crumpling, tearing, running through a shredder; the choice is yours. These processes allow us to relive experiences, then we turn these pieces into something pleasant with glue, markers and/or paints. This is to represent that though uncomfortable, or traumatic things happen to us they don’t have to define us. We can take back control and work through those experiences in order to approach new situations in a healthier way.
Talking Circle & Art Experientials 2 - Creating mandalas
Sunday 2:15-3:45 pm
The talking circle will begin at 2:15 pm and will be a closed circle at this point. A closed circle means that once the circle begins new participants will not be admitted after the group begins. This is to help provide a cohesive, private, calm space for participants without disruptions.
The circle will begin with a brief description of expectations of participants such as respect and discretion of participants' stories. This will be followed by a verbal body check in and meditation. The group then will be prompted with a particular question prompt in order to stimulate discussion and allow individuals to be heard and seen. This discussion will then be processed through an art experiential as well as more conversation if needed.
The art experiential is a process in which to educate and or remind individuals of their abilities to process uncomfortable situations. Art is not about creating a beautiful object though it can be. It is a way to remind and process. This art experiential is about processing, building on your resilience and to provide opportunity to hear and process different perspectives.
An exercise of creating mandalas will be encouraged after our talking circle. The mandalas will be created as a group or on an individual basis. Participants can have a choice of creating mandalas from found natural objects or from a stencil with academic art materials (pencil crayons/ markers). The mandalas created from natural materials will be treated in a traditional mandalas format of being impermanent.
Saturday 4:45-6:15 pm
The talking circle will begin at 4:45 pm and will be a closed circle at this point. A closed circle means that once the circle begins new participants will not be admitted after the group begins. This is to help provide a cohesive, private, calm space for participants without disruptions.
The circle will begin with a brief description of expectations of participants such as respect and discretion of participants' stories. This will be followed by a verbal body check in and meditation. The group then will be prompted with a particular question prompt in order to stimulate discussion and allow individuals to be heard and seen. This discussion will then be processed through an art experiential as well as more conversation if needed.
The art experiential is a process in which to educate and or remind individuals of their abilities to process uncomfortable situations. Art is not about creating a beautiful object though it can be. It is a way to remind and process. This art experiential is about processing, building on your resilience and to provide opportunity to hear and process different perspectives.
We will be creating a written or drawn experience of something that was uncomfortable. The written or drawn piece will then be reprocessed into a different art piece through crumpling, tearing, running through a shredder; the choice is yours. These processes allow us to relive experiences, then we turn these pieces into something pleasant with glue, markers and/or paints. This is to represent that though uncomfortable, or traumatic things happen to us they don’t have to define us. We can take back control and work through those experiences in order to approach new situations in a healthier way.
Talking Circle & Art Experientials 2 - Creating mandalas
Sunday 2:15-3:45 pm
The talking circle will begin at 2:15 pm and will be a closed circle at this point. A closed circle means that once the circle begins new participants will not be admitted after the group begins. This is to help provide a cohesive, private, calm space for participants without disruptions.
The circle will begin with a brief description of expectations of participants such as respect and discretion of participants' stories. This will be followed by a verbal body check in and meditation. The group then will be prompted with a particular question prompt in order to stimulate discussion and allow individuals to be heard and seen. This discussion will then be processed through an art experiential as well as more conversation if needed.
The art experiential is a process in which to educate and or remind individuals of their abilities to process uncomfortable situations. Art is not about creating a beautiful object though it can be. It is a way to remind and process. This art experiential is about processing, building on your resilience and to provide opportunity to hear and process different perspectives.
An exercise of creating mandalas will be encouraged after our talking circle. The mandalas will be created as a group or on an individual basis. Participants can have a choice of creating mandalas from found natural objects or from a stencil with academic art materials (pencil crayons/ markers). The mandalas created from natural materials will be treated in a traditional mandalas format of being impermanent.